Intentions of This Blog
You may be wondering what the point of this blog is. Well, I often wonder the same thing. I’ve wanted to have a blog on my website for years but my stubbornness has always gotten the best of me. I’m terrible at keeping up with good habits and am very reluctant to change. If I could stay in a little bubble with all my favorite things for the rest of my life, I certainly would. I also tend to set my expectations too high and get overwhelmed because of it. The blog has come and go over the years for these very reasons. I’ve attempted to maintain a blog three different times since starting my pottery business and have only written a handful of posts. Eventually, I end up disabling the blog from my website completely until I feel inspired about it again. I’m hoping this time will be different. I’m not putting pressure on myself to write a post every day or every week. Instead, I’m simply going to write when I feel inclined to. What about, though? I’ve gone back and forth about this for quite awhile. At one point, I wanted it to be solely about pottery. However, that’s what my Instagram page is for. I find great joy in sharing other aspects of my life and having record of it somewhere. I have also mentioned to my husband on several occasions that I would love to write a book someday and he sweetly advised that writing a blog is a good starting point. That being said, this blog is officially about all aspects of my life, including pottery, my faith, gardening, everyday life, etc. I hope that it will give my audience a better chance to get to know me and also serve a helpful purpose in the future if and when I decide to write a book. I’m not entirely sure how popular blogs are nowadays and I’m not really expecting to have a huge audience. Whoever feels compelled to read my thoughts is welcome here. I just ask that you be respectful of my opinions. Thanks for being here! ~Abby
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